Friday, May 28, 2010

Update the update - is this an update?

What the fuck? It's May? It's LATE May? What have I been doing? Ignoring this blog, that's for sure. Well, that ends now. Even if it means posting lame crap like this, I vow there will be regular updates throughout the summer.

The novel is back on track (only took two and a half years), the play is...going, and the short story is finished and a new one is halfway through. Back in November I tried NaNoRiMo (well, I'll always have 2003 and 2006) and failed again for the third straight year. I thought maybe I could resurrect the story I came up with but several attempts have fallen short. I think I'll just have to let that one go. I don't know why I tried hard sci-fi anyway.

I recently read the first two Twilight "novels"; took me about three hours. What's amazing is that this series seems to actually get worse as it goes along. Maybe I'll post some insights on it although I know that I am quite far behind the rest of the world in this respect. What jokes can I make that haven't already been said? But hell, I was spending my time reading books and comics that were actually GOOD. Hey, at least the youtube channel is working out well. The one year anniversary is tomorrow. I have nothing planned. Maybe I should think of something.

So this is a pretty good post even though it's not creative or interesting, right? I'll get to that next time. Great, now the phone's ringing. I swear, god does not want this blog to thrive. How many more times do I have to renounce him? I'll get published on my own! I don't need your fucking charity! You'll get no prayers from me! Alright, that was fun. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what ever possessed you to read the first two Twilight novels, but since you've suffered through it, I demand you write something about the experience and tear it to shreds in a way only you can.

I'm counting on you, don't let me down.

cole d'arc said...

it really was suffering. but i just had to see for myself how bad it truly is. it's actually pretty amazing. it's not just the horrible characters and lame story, the writing is abysmal. it reads like bad fan-fic (is there such a thing as good fan fic?)